Meet Lauren

Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. I have dedicated the past several years to find solutions to my family’s health problems. With my expertise and knowledge gained I hope to help your family do the same.

My Journey

The moment I became a mom was the moment that my perspective changed completely. I remember feeling very ‘out of control’ while giving birth to my first. I wasn’t able to make any decisions, the timing was out of my hands and truthfully I lacked the knowledge to advocate for myself. Everything felt rushed, pressured and fear based. I felt the same way at my daughter’s first pediatrician appointment. She had a little diaper rash and the doctor handed me a steroid cream and an antifungal. My intuition told me that becoming a mom shouldn’t feel like this, that we have gotten so far away from anything natural and that it can be a slippery slope.

This exact situation happened again at the next appointment. We talked about how my daughter was very wakeful at night and spitting up a lot. I was told to stop breastfeeding and to give her an acid reducer. I left the appointment and once again went home to research and find alternative solutions. This continued over the years as small things popped up but nothing major until my first was almost 3. It felt like pretty suddenly everything changed- intense sensory struggles, limping when walking, rashes from head to toe, major food reactions, achy joints, night terrors and sweats, emotional and behavioral dysregulation.

I took her to doctors, orthopedists, occupational therapists- everyone said “she is fine”, “labs were all normal” and she would “grow out of it”.

If you are here on this page then you may have been through a similar experience. As you know, when a mama gut instinct is saying that something is not fine- it is not fine.

This is the point where my late night cell phone scrolling research turned into years of practitioner courses, certificates, webinars, trainings, books, mentors and practical application within my own family.

By this time I had another child and he also displayed some similar struggles- rashes, reflux, wakeful nights, constipation, food reactions. Through all of my research I started putting pieces of the puzzle together slowly. What I finally came to find out was that the home we were living in had mold in the basement, that there were nutrient deficiencies, toxicities and certain genetic mutations that were contributing to how intensely the mold had impacted us. Unfortunately I also found out my older child had chronic lyme disease, which symptomatically intensifies when mold is present.

I had to take matters into my own hands in order to help my children get to where they are today. Relatively symptom free, sleeping through the night, no more rashes or sensory struggles, no more achy joints and very few food sensitivities. I was able to help their bodies calm down through replenishing deficiencies, gently removing toxins, restoring circadian rhythm, calming the nervous system as well as inflammation, restoring gut balance and most importantly living in such a way that minimizes the exposure to damaging toxins and chemicals.

The reason I started my practice is because in sharing my knowledge and experience with others I realized how many other children are living with chronic symptoms, and I empathized with the parents that agonize seeing their children struggle but not knowing how to help.

The truth is the world that our children were born into is a completely different one than we were. Almost 50% of children have the chronic disease today, we are seeing diseases that previously only impacted adults now starting to impact children and our children’s generation is the first one to have a decrease in life expectancy. I am not sharing this information as a fear tactic and while the statistics are scary, we as parents have more control over the wellness of our children than we are led to believe. Now is the time to put the proper foundations in place and make the necessary changes within our own homes to allow our children to thrive.

My Credentials

  • Institute of Integrative Nutrition

  • Integrative Health Practitioner Institute

  • Dr. Ben Lynch's Courses

Get started with Lauren, today.